choicesEveryday in life we all make choices. Sometimes some choice are more difficult then other. Sometimes decisions can effect a person life and we rethink what if I've done that instead of that. We can't change the decision we have done but we can always learn from our mistakes not to repeat them again. Decisions are important to make considering they are made liberal and they consequences. Choices are made everyday. I make the choice to come to school everyday and do my work. That is a choices I've had made myself since I could of have drop out of high school since I am eighteen. In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost its speaks about two roads and a traveler. The traveler had a choice to make between two roads in the woods to take. The difference between first road and the second was the road was grassy and seem unworn. It seem that not many people haven't walked on it. The traveler took the second road since it seem to be less walked on. The traveler took the second road since it said "Oh, I kept the first for another day!". The poet took a long time to make a decision since it says "And both that morning equally lay. In leaves no steps had trodden black". The name of the poem is "The Road Not Taken" rather not "The Road Taken" since the poem speaks more about about the difficulty of making a choice then making a choice and speaking about it. The traveler was glade in decision he made since it says "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The road not taken can reflect to many people's life considering the fact people linger a long time on making a single choice. They think of the consequences each choices can result in the choice. Choices are always had to make especial when your pressure to do something everyone else is doing. In the short story "Dead End" was a shorty about a young teenager named Maria. The setting takes place in Maria high school and the area where she lives. The area where she lives is called "the barrio" and it dangerous. The main characters are Maria, the another girls and Frankie.Maria conflict is she can't let herself be like the another girls because of the promise she made to her mother that she was going to get an education. She feel envy of the another girls in her classes. They get to go hang out late night partying and Maria has to take care of the kids her father has neglected. Maria also likes Frankie but she won't change herself just to please him even thought she like him a lot. Maria thinks of the consequences and especial the promise she made. A promise is something someone is willing to do and keep they word in doing it. Promise are important to keep because they are assures to people we are holding on our words and aren't lairs. The word lonely is important in the short story because Maria feels like she alone fighting her way though life. Maria can relate to Frankie being alone and she seem him as a person she can relate to and feel comfortable with. The essay on "The Tyranny of Choices" speaks about how choices effected the way we feel and react. There are two different types of people who make choices maximizer or a satisficer. A maximizer makes the best choice and the satisficer is a person who makes all right choices and don't aim for the best choice. I am both a maximizer and Satisficer. It depends on the situation. Regret in a choice are usually unhappy and get low self esteem. People then tend to settle for less then more. Sometime high stanards create a feeling of regret.
Everyone has a choice. The cat had a choice to sleep on a comfortable soft kitty bed or the cardboard box. He made his decision to sleep on the cardboard box. He found it more comfortable then the bed. Choices are made each day. They may not be the best choices we make, but we can always change them or avoid in making the same mistake twice in a row. Like Maria who was about to give herself to be like the another girls and thought what could of become of her life if she was like everyone else. She had the choice to head into the wrong path but she thought of the promise she made to her mother. Promise sometimes remind people of whats right and what wrong. Not all the time but sometimes. The choices we make effect the way we react and think. Decisions aren't always easy thats why thinking clearly helps. Choices that makes us happy aren't always the right ones.